I had a small icebreaker session with Marti before starting to shoot portraits of her just to make sure she was comfortable in front of the camera. Catalina, on the other hand, was super comfortable from the moment we greeted each other. Catalina is an exchange student from Chile who has been in Berlin for two months and absolutely loves the city. 'Perfect!' she says. Catty wanted to learn German from people and, in return, she was willing to teach people Spanish. Since I didn't know German, I offered to take some nice pictures of her, and she instantly agreed. But instead of teaching me Spanish, she bought me beer, which was a fair deal. Actually, the simplest way to reach my heart is always through beer, but I don't know if it's that obvious for anyone to figure out.
It was Catty who suggested the venue, and it was a nice cloudy evening when we started taking pictures. I didn't have to tell Catty what to do; she knew what needed to be done. We wrapped up the session in less than an hour, grabbed some beers, sat down, and it started raining—the first rains for me in Berlin. We ran and stood under a tree, talked about random stuff for the rest of the evening, and decided to have dinner at a Turkish restaurant. We had doner kebabs and went to the station. Our trains were going in opposite directions, so we bid adieu at the station. It was a wonderful evening. :)